Diverse range of accommodation & close by equipment

In Besançon, you will find high-quality accommodation at much lower rates than similar services you would find in major towns. On top of this, it is really easy to go to your training center that will be reachable in less than 15 minutes from your hotel.

Diverse range of accomodation

The selection made for the delegations that come to Besançon to prepare will deliver high-end rooms, food, recreation and relaxation services - the main element being the proximity to the training centers. 

The delegations will be able to stay at one of the three four-star hotels or one of the six three-star hotels or at the Centre International de Séjour - a place known by athletes that is located in Temis, less than 2 minutes away from several Games Preparation Centers.

Finally, the COPS and its hypoxic apartments will allow you to stay the night in a high-altitude simulator to combine physical preparation and relaxation.

Des équipements sportifs labellisés par Paris 2024

In Besançon, you can train for 13 Olympic sports and 7 Paralympic sports in 6 Games Preparation Centers (CPJ) that bring together 13 sport facilities. For instance, the judo/wrestling training center of Montboucons offers 1,200sqm of tatami mats. There are no less than 15 athletes that use our facility daily to prepare for taking part in the 2024 Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games.

BMX European Championships, Cyclo-Cross World Cup, Classic Grand Besançon, Paratriathlon World Cup, international games in handball, soccer, Fed Cup, Tour de France... Besançon shows its expertise in sports by organising national and international events every year.